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Report a Threat

To Report A Crime:

To report a crime or suspicious activity, contact the Campus Safety Office. If it is an emergency, call 911 for the Fulton Police Department.

  • Campus Safety: Dial 4357 (HELP) from a university phone or 592-4357 from a cell phone or off-campus phone.

If the crime or incident is of a nature that privacy is important to you, you may report directly to the Dean of Student Life.

Confidential Reporting:

If you are the victim of a crime or a witness and do not want to pursue action within the university system or the local police agency, you are encouraged to consider a confidential report. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential while taking steps to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Reports filed confidentially are counted and disclosed, without personal information, in the annual crime statistics for William Woods University.  Confidential reports can be made using the Reporting Form (Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual misconduct, ADA, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion concerns).

Upon contact with Campus Safety or notification of a safety incident and/or a campus emergency, Safety Officers investigate situations and contact appropriate support services such as the local police, fire department, ambulance services, and/or campus maintenance staff for assistance. "Incident reports" that outline the issues and identify individuals involved in the incident are written. Copies of all reports are provided to the administrative department responsible for campus safety. In addition, maintenance work requests are submitted for situations identified as as a threat to students, employees and/or campus visitors.

Timely Warning:

The university seeks to notify members of the campus community in a timely manner of the occurrence of crimes that would be a potential threat to students and/or employees. Text messages addressing specific situations serve as a medium for communication. Additionally, in any event creating a danger to the campus community or a threat of imminent danger, a warning will be issued by student email, Woods Alert text messaging, the Alertus desktop interrupt system and if relevant, warnings and information will also be announced by the Office of Campus Safety's mobile public address system.