Course #
Course Title
Fee (Per Course)
ASL 105
American Sign Language I -U
ASL 145
American Sign Language II -U
ASL 205
American Sign Language III
ASL 245
American Sign Language IV
ASL 305
American Sign Language V
ASL 345
American Sign Language VI
ATR 405
Clinical I: Equipment Intensive
ATR 422
Examination I: Lumbar & Lower Extremity Lab
ATR 432
Interventions I: Therapeutic Modalities - Lab
ATR 444
Examination II: General Medical Conditions Lab
ATR 456
Examination III: Cervical & Upper Extremity Lab
BIO 106
Intro To Bio Lab
BIO 115
Biology I Lab for Majors
BIO 125
Biology II Lab for Majors
BIO 215
Introductory Projects Lab
BIO 232
Genetics Lab
BIO 304
Microbiology Lab
BIO 314
Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
BIO 318
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology Lab
BIO 324
Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
BIO 331
Ecology Lab
BIO 334
Vertebrate Zoology Lab
BIO 337
Tropical Ecology Lab
BIO 340
Conservation Biology
BIO 350
Animal Behavior
BIO 351
Molecular Genetics: Cancer Biology
BIO 400
Advanced Project
BIO 406
Cell & Molecular Biology Lab
BIO 415
Molecular Biotechnology Lab
CHM 115
General Chemistry I Lab
CHM 125
General Chemistry II Lab
CHM 315
Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHM 316
Organic Chemistry I Lab for Transfer Students
CHM 325
Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHM 441
Biochemistry Lab
CIS 225
Database Management Systems
CIS 250
CIS 327
Website Development
CIS 351
Project Management
CIS 425
Enterprise Systems
CIS 450
Systems Analysis
EDU 250
Foundations of Education
EDU 490
Supervised Teaching (Elementary)
EDU 493
Supervised Teaching Special Education
EDU 495
Supervised Teaching (Middle Level)
EDU 499
Supervised Teaching (Secondary)
EDU 792
Dissertation Workshop 1
EDU 793
Dissertation Workshop 2
EQA 205
Facility Management Practicum I
EQA 320
Equine Event Management
EQR 101
Fundamentals of Horsemanship I
EQR 102
Fundamentals of Horsemanship II
EQR 111
Introduction to Forward Seat
EQR 112
Introduction to Saddle Seat
EQR 120
Fundamentals of Dressage
EQR 121
Fundamentals of Hunt Seat
EQR 122
Fundamentals of Saddle Seat
EQR 125
Fundamentals of Western Seat
EQR 200
Introductory Project
EQR 214
Longlining & Driving
EQR 220
Intermediate Dressage
EQR 221
Intermediate Hunt Seat
EQR 222
Intermediate Saddle Seat
EQR 225
Intermediate Western
EQR 226
Hunter Under Saddle
EQR 320
Intermediate/Advanced Dressage
EQR 321
Intermediate/Advanced Hunt Seat
EQR 322
Intermediate/Advanced Saddle Seat
EQR 325
Intermediate/Advanced Western Seat
EQR 327
Intermediate Jumper
EQR 400
Advanced Projects
EQR 420
Advanced Dressage
EQR 421
Advanced Hunt Seat
EQR 422
Advanced Saddle Seat
EQR 425
Advanced Western
EQR 427
Advanced Jumper
EQS 205
Survey of Saddle Seat Training Meth
EQS 208
Survey of Groundwork Techniques
EQS 230
Teaching Techniques II-Dressage
EQS 231
Teaching Techniques II-Hunter/Jumpr
EQS 232
Teaching Techniques II-Saddle Seat
EQS 235
Teaching Techniques II-Western
EQS 311
Tack Construction & Repair
EQS 328
Equine Evaluation
EQS 340
Teaching Techniques III-Dressage
EQS 341
Teaching Techniques III-Hunter/Jump
EQS 342
Teaching Techniques III-Saddle Seat
EQS 345
Teaching Techniques III-Western
EQS 351
Teaching Techniques IV-Dressage
EQS 352
Teaching Techniques IV-Hunter/Jumpr
EQS 353
Teaching Techniques IV-Saddle Seat
EQS 355
Teaching Techniques IV-Western
EQS 400
Advanced Projects
EQS 404
Veterinary Medicine & Reproduction
EQS 412
Advanced Teaching Practicum
EQS 417
Veterinary Techniques Practicum Lab
EQU 111
Introduction to the Horse Industry
EQU 117
Theory of Performance Hrs Hlth Mgmt
EQU 118
Theory Prfrmnc Horse Hlth Mngmt II
EQU 201
Horse Management Practicum I
EQU 391
Horse Management Practicum II
EXS 104
First Aid and CPR
EXS 206
Intro to Human Anatomy Lab
EXS 246
Intro to Human Physiology Lab
EXS 304
Prevention and Care Lab
EXS 322
Exercise Physiology
EXS 342
Techniques of Resistance Training and Conditioning – Lab
EXS 366
Exercise Testing and Prescription Lab
EXS 405
Exercise Program Design
EXS 460
Principles of Strength & Conditioning
HUM 113
Career Exploration
ITP 301
Interpreting I
ITP 351
Interpreting II
ITP 375
Interpreting III
ITP 380
Interpreting IV
ITP 450
Senior Capstone
NUR 301
Transition to Professional Nursing
NUR 310
Nursing Research
NUR 320
Health Assessment
NUR 330
Ethical Legal Nursing
NUR 350
Nursing Informatics
NUR 360
Individual and Family Assessment
NUR 370
Issues in Rural Health Nursing
NUR 410
Advanced Research and Scholarly Writing
NUR 430
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
NUR 450
Advanced Leadership and Management
NUR 470
Special Topics in Nursing
NUR 480
Evidence Based Practice
NUR 490
Community/Public Health Capstone/Clinical
PED 108
Outdoor Adventure Activities
PED 113
PED 135
Team Sports
PED 136
Individual and Dual Sports
PED 142
Beginning Golf
PED 307
Methods of Teaching PE K-5
PED 350
Adapted Physical Education
PED 418
Methods of P.E. (6-12)
PHY 202
Physics I Lab
PHY 213
Physics II Lab
SCI 131
Foundations of Science Lab