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Psychology - 18 Credits (Offered online and on-ground) 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

Bachelor of Arts degree programs require a minor and a year of a foreign language.
Foreign Language:

Required Courses: 6.00 credits

Course Course Title Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
PSY 101 General Psychology I -U 3.00
PSY 102 General Psychology II -Q 3.00

Required Electives: 0.00 - 12.00 credits

Course Hours Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Required Elective - 12 Credits (must complete at least 9 Upper Level credits) 12.00
Elective Notes:
Lewer Level Psychology Electives 0.00
PSY 200 Introductory Projects 3.00
PSY 221 Educational Psychology -Q 3.00
PSY 225 Careers in Psychology 3.00
PSY 226 Child and Adolescent Development 3.00
PSY 285 Psychology of Personality -U 3.00
Elective Notes:
Upper Level Psychology Elective - must complete at least 9 credits 9.00
BUS 316 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3.00
EXS 401 Sports Psychology 3.00
PSY 300 Independent Study 3.00
PSY 310 Social Psychology 3.00
PSY 312 Lifespan Development 3.00
PSY 313 Statistics for the Social Sciences 3.00
PSY 324 Cognitive Psychology 4.00
PSY 326 Psychology of Intimate Relationships 3.00
PSY 336 Multicultural Psychology 3.00
PSY 390 PSY Internship I 3.00
PSY 400 Advanced Projects 3.00
PSY 406 Psychology and the Law 3.00
PSY 411 Abnormal Psychology 3.00
PSY 412 Counseling 3.00
PSY 413 Advanced Research Project 3.00
PSY 450 Psychology Seminar 3.00
PSY 451 PSY Internship II 3.00
Elective Notes:

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.