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History - 18 Credits (must complete at least 6 Upper Level Credits) 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

Required Electives: 0.00 - 6.00 credits

Course Hours Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Lower Level Electives 0.00
HIS 101 Dawn and Rebirth: A History of the World to 1500 3.00
HIS 102 Industry, Ideology, and War: A History of the World since 1500 3.00
HIS 103 Early America and the United States: Colonization, Revolution, and Civil War 3.00
HIS 104 Modern US History: From Reconstruction to Superpower 3.00
HIS 200 Introductory Projects 3.00
HIS 215 Native America -U 3.00
HIS 216 From Slavery to Freedom to Civil Rights: The African American Experience 3.00
Elective Notes:
Lower Level Electives
Upper Level Electives - Must complete at least 6 Credits 6.00
HIS 300 Independent Study 3.00
HIS 310 Daughters of Liberty, Suffragists, and Feminists: The Story of Women in America 3.00
HIS 328 The Young Republic 3.00
HIS 353 World War II 3.00
HIS 358 Atlantic Revolutions 3.00
HIS 366 Interdisciplinary Honors Studies 3.00
HIS 390 HIS Internship I 3.00
HIS 400 Advanced Projects 3.00
HIS 451 HIS Internship II 3.00
HIS 452 HIS Internship III 6.00
Elective Notes:

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.