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Management and Leadership - 48 Credits 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

Required Courses: 42.00 credits

Course Course Title Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
ACC 240 Principles of Accounting I 3.00
BUS 321 Principles of Marketing 3.00
BUS 324 Personal Finance 3.00
BUS 351 Principles of Management 3.00
BUS 421 Organizational Behavior 3.00
BUS 475 Human Resources Administration 3.00
CIS 124 Productivity Tools 3.00
LDR 201 Concepts in Leadership 3.00
LDR 220 Adaptive Leadership 3.00
LDR 330 Global Leadership 3.00
LDR 350 Change Leadership 3.00
LDR 450 Ethics in Leadership 3.00
LDR 475 Leadership Theory 3.00
LDR 499 Leadership Studies Capstone 3.00

Required Electives: 3.00 credits

Course Hours Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Ethics Requirement - 3 Credits 3.00
BUS 214 Business Ethics -U 3.00
BUS 329 Managerial Ethics -U 3.00
Elective Notes:
Economics Requirement - 3 Credits 3.00
ECN 251 Macroeconomics -Q 3.00
ECN 252 Microeconomics -Q 3.00
Elective Notes:

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.