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Equestrian Science - 70 Credits 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

*Required grade of C or higher to satisfy major requirements. (EQU201 & EQU391 must be taken before student accumulates 90 Credit hours/Senior Standing.) **All Students must have a current Red-Cross or American Heart Association certification in Adult CPR and First Aid – not to expire prior to class completion.

Required Courses: 46.00 credits

Course Course Title Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
EQS 212 Theory of Teaching Techniques I 3.00
EQS 306 Practical Equine Anatomy & Conditng 3.00
EQS 328 Equine Evaluation 3.00
EQS 404 Veterinary Medicine & Reproduction 3.00
EQU 101 Equestrian First Year Seminar 1.00
EQU 111 Introduction to the Horse Industry 3.00
EQU 117 Theory of Performance Hrs Hlth Mgmt 3.00
EQU 118 Theory Prfrmnc Horse Hlth Mngmt II 3.00
* EQU 201 Horse Management Practicum I 3.00
EQU 202 Foundations of Equestrian Teaching and Learning 2.00
EQU 206 Introduction to Equine Entrepreneurship 3.00
EQU 221 Stable Management 3.00
* EQU 391 Horse Management Practicum II 4.00
EQU 403 Equestrian Senior Seminar 3.00
EQU 405 Equine Business Practices 3.00
EQU 415 Equestrian Senior Portfolio 1.00
EXS 104 First Aid and CPR 2.00

Required Electives: 0.00 - 13.00 credits

Course Hours Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
**Teaching Tech II - 2 Credit 2.00
** EQS 230 Teaching Techniques II-Dressage 2.00
** EQS 231 Teaching Techniques II-Hunter/Jumpr 2.00
** EQS 232 Teaching Techniques II-Saddle Seat 2.00
** EQS 235 Teaching Techniques II-Western 2.00
Elective Notes:
**Teaching Tech III - 2 Credits 2.00
** EQS 340 Teaching Techniques III-Dressage 2.00
** EQS 341 Teaching Techniques III-Hunter/Jump 2.00
** EQS 342 Teaching Techniques III-Saddle Seat 2.00
** EQS 345 Teaching Techniques III-Western 2.00
Elective Notes:
**Teaching Tech IV - 2 Credits 2.00
** EQS 351 Teaching Techniques IV-Dressage 2.00
** EQS 352 Teaching Techniques IV-Hunter/Jumpr 2.00
** EQS 353 Teaching Techniques IV-Saddle Seat 2.00
** EQS 355 Teaching Techniques IV-Western 2.00
Elective Notes:
Issues of Riding - 2 Credits 2.00
EQS 330 Dressage Issues 2.00
EQS 331 Hunter/Jumper Issues 2.00
EQS 332 Saddle Seat Issues 2.00
EQS 335 Western Issues 2.00
Elective Notes:
Applied or Practicum Electives - 13 Credits (Must complete at least 8 Applied Riding Credits) 13.00
Elective Notes:
Equestrian General Elective - 3 Credits 3.00
EQA 312 Equestrian Communication 3.00
EQA 320 Equine Event Management 3.00
EQS 205 Survey of Saddle Seat Training Meth 1.00
EQS 304 Theory Equine Behav & Train Methods 3.00
EQS 320 Origins of Modern Riding 3.00
EQS 333 History of Breeds and Bloodlines 3.00
EQS 376 Equine Anatomy and Physiology 3.00
EQS 380 Bits and Bridles: History, mechanics and regulations 3.00
EQU 211 Survey of Equine-Assisted Services 3.00
EQU 327 Conflicts & Contrvs Equine Indstry 3.00
EQU 402 Equestrian Leadership Strategies 3.00
Elective Notes:
Applied or Practicum Electives 0.00
EQA 205 Facility Management Practicum I 2.00
EQA 395 Facility Management Practicum II 3.00
EQS 208 Survey of Groundwork Techniques 2.00
EQS 209 Survey of Groundwork Techniques Lab 0.00
EQS 311 Tack Construction & Repair 1.00
EQS 412 Advanced Teaching Practicum 2.00
EQS 416 Veterinary Techniques Practicum 3.00
EQS 417 Veterinary Techniques Practicum Lab 0.00
EQU 401 EQS Supervision and Leadership 2.00
EQU 410 Applied Digital Media for the Equine Industry 3.00
Elective Notes:
Applied Riding - 8 Credits 8.00
EQR 101 Fundamentals of Horsemanship I 1.00
EQR 102 Fundamentals of Horsemanship II 1.00
EQR 111 Introduction to Forward Seat 1.00
EQR 112 Introduction to Saddle Seat 1.00
EQR 120 Fundamentals of Dressage 1.00
EQR 121 Fundamentals of Hunt Seat 1.00
EQR 122 Fundamentals of Saddle Seat 1.00
EQR 125 Fundamentals of Western Seat 1.00
EQR 200 Introductory Project 1.00
EQR 214 Longlining & Driving 1.00
EQR 220 Intermediate Dressage 1.00
EQR 221 Intermediate Hunt Seat 1.00
EQR 222 Intermediate Saddle Seat 1.00
EQR 225 Intermediate Western 1.00
EQR 226 Hunter Under Saddle 1.00
EQR 320 Intermediate/Advanced Dressage 1.00
EQR 321 Intermediate/Advanced Hunt Seat 1.00
EQR 322 Intermediate/Advanced Saddle Seat 1.00
EQR 325 Intermediate/Advanced Western Seat 1.00
EQR 327 Intermediate Jumper 1.00
EQR 400 Advanced Projects 1.00
EQR 420 Advanced Dressage 1.00
EQR 421 Advanced Hunt Seat 1.00
EQR 422 Advanced Saddle Seat 1.00
EQR 425 Advanced Western 1.00
EQR 427 Advanced Jumper 1.00
Elective Notes:
Applied riding credit will be determined by the number of semesters the student is enrolled at WWU.

•Each semester enrolled, one riding credit hour must be taken.

•Equestrian Science Major must ride at least one semester in three of the four applied riding seats.

•All Applied Riding (EQR) courses may be repeated

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.