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Middle School Education (5-9) - 83 to 86 Credits (56 Core Credits and 27 to 30 Credits of selected concentration.) 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

Education majors must complete all major courses, including concentration and secondary certification courses (if applicable), with a final grade of ‘C’ or better. *Students must have applied and received admission to the Teacher Education Program in order to take 400 level courses. Please speak with your advisor or the department of education if you have questions. **Students interested in teaching Middle Level Education must complete a concentration in an eligible academic area. William Woods University has received approval for the following concentrations: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Science.

Concentration (if applicable)

Required Courses: 56.00 credits

Course Course Title Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
EDU 201 Multicultural Education -U 3.00
EDU 211 Educational Technology 3.00
EDU 231 Exceptional Child 3.00
EDU 250 Foundations of Education 3.00
EDU 291 Beginning Clinical Experience 2.00
EDU 311 Middle School Philosophy and Organi 3.00
EDU 314 Middle School Curriculum & Instruct 3.00
EDU 392 Reading & Wrtng in the Content Area 3.00
EDU 393 Teaching Reading and Writing 3.00
* EDU 395 Intermediate Clinical Experience 3.00
* EDU 422 Measurement & Assessment in Education 3.00
* EDU 441 Student Centered Reading & Writing 3.00
* EDU 453 Classroom Management 3.00
* EDU 492 Educational Seminar 3.00
* EDU 495 Supervised Teaching (Middle Level) 9.00
PSY 221 Educational Psychology -Q 3.00
PSY 226 Child and Adolescent Development 3.00

Concentration Requirements: 27.00 - 30.00 credits

Course Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Language Arts Concentration - 27 Credits 27.00
EDU 317 Teaching Language Arts & Children's Literature 3.00
Concentration Notes:

Electives for Language Arts Concentration - 27 Credits

Course Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Mathematics Concentration - 30 Credits 30.00
EDU 341 Teaching Mathematics 3.00
MAT 231 Understanding Mathematics for Tchrs 3.00
Concentration Notes:

Electives for Mathematics Concentration - 30 Credits

Course Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Science Concentration - 27 Credits 27.00
EDU 319 Methods of Teaching Science 3.00
Concentration Notes:

Electives for Science Concentration - 27 Credits

Course Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
Social Science Concentration - 27 Credits 27.00
EDU 318 Methods of Teaching Social Science 3.00
Concentration Notes:

Electives for Social Science Concentration - 27 Credits

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.