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Accounting - 57 Credits 2223 Catalog

**Students are required to have 122 distinct credits for graduation**

Required Courses: 57.00 credits

Course Course Title Credit Semester Completed Grade Earned Substitutions
ACC 240 Principles of Accounting I 3.00
ACC 241 Principles of Accounting II 3.00
ACC 312 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00
ACC 319 Taxation I 3.00
ACC 322 Intermediate Accounting II 3.00
ACC 343 Cost and Managerial Accounting 3.00
ACC 379 Taxation II 3.00
ACC 403 ACC Internship III 3.00
ACC 425 Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting 3.00
ACC 430 Investments with Financial Statement Analysis 3.00
ACC 441 Auditing 3.00
BUS 214 Business Ethics -U 3.00
BUS 335 Business Law 3.00
BUS 415 Corporate Finance 3.00
BUS 450 Business Policy and Procedures 3.00
CIS 124 Productivity Tools 3.00
ECN 251 Macroeconomics -Q 3.00
ECN 252 Microeconomics -Q 3.00
MAT 114 Elementary Statistics -M 3.00

Division Chair:Date:
Substitutions to the coursework above requires the signature of the division chair.