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Major Details

Management and Leadership - 48 Credits - BA/BS

Delivery Method: Day/Fulton Campus, Online

This program prepares graduates to assume leadership positions by immersing them in a leadership development program grounded in management and leadership theory. The skills inherent in leadership include resolving conflict, decision-making, adapting to change, providing vision, motivating others and achieving organizational goals. These are critical and necessary skills for every type of organization. The program focuses on what students need to 'know' and what they need to 'do' in order to be effective leaders.

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Core Credits: 48.00

Course # Course Title Hours
ACC 240 Principles of Accounting I 3.00
BUS 321 Principles of Marketing 3.00
BUS 324 Personal Finance 3.00
BUS 351 Principles of Management 3.00
BUS 421 Organizational Behavior 3.00
BUS 475 Human Resources Administration 3.00
LDR 201 Concepts in Leadership 3.00
LDR 220 Adaptive Leadership 3.00
LDR 330 Global Leadership 3.00
LDR 350 Change Leadership 3.00
LDR 450 Ethics in Leadership 3.00
LDR 475 Leadership Theory 3.00
LDR 499 Leadership Studies Capstone 3.00
MIS 125 Productivity Tools 3.00

Required Electives

Elective Hours
Ethics Requirement - 3 Credits 3.00
Economics Requirement - 3 Credits 3.00

Academic Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.