Interdisciplinary Studies - BA 30 Credits (minimum) or BS 60 Credits (minimum) - BA/BS
Delivery Method: Day/Fulton Campus
The Interdisciplinary Major is designed to give students a chance to create a major that addresses the needs of the individual student. A committee made up of the director of the School of Social Sciences and one faculty member from each of the discipline areas in which the student has chosen to study will guide the student through developing the Interdisciplinary Studies major. This committee will also oversee the student’s progression through the degree program. The chair of the student’s Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee will also serve as the student’s academic advisor. An Interdisciplinary Studies major under the Bachelor of Arts degree consists of coursework from two discipline areas along with a minor in another area and foreign language course requirements.
Students interested in designing an Interdisciplinary major must:
_____ 1. Contact the director of the School of Social Sciences, and then--with the director’s help--decide on the combination of programs involved and on pursuit of a BA or BS degree.
_____ 2. Collaborate with his / her faculty advisor to solicit a faculty member from each discipline area to serve on the Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee.
_____3. Design a degree program that includes the following components:
(Bachelor of Arts Degree: __a. Between 30-36 hours of coursework in two different areas __b. A minor from the list of current offered minors __c. Foreign language courses (if not already fulfilled) __d. An independent study capstone course that requires a thesis or project for the purpose of synthesizing the program) or (Bachelor of Science Degree: __a. Between 60-70 hours of coursework in 2-3 different discipline areas with a minimum of 20 hours in each area. __b. An independent study capstone course that requires a thesis or project for the purpose of synthesizing the program.)
_____4. Develop a set of program objectives and a list of attendant courses.
_____5. Develop assessments for program objectives.
_____ 6. Obtain the Academic Dean’s signed approval for proposed major.
_____7. Set a schedule for regular semester meetings with advisory committee to report on progress in the major.
_____8. Develop a plan for Student Performance Review Day activities.
_____ 9. Develop a plan to present during Senior Showcase.
Additional Guidelines:
* The minimum GPA required to set up an Interdisciplinary Major is 3.0, unless one of the majors involved has a higher GPA requirement, in which case that GPA becomes the minimum standard.
* Students must have completed three semesters of college level coursework prior to proposing an Interdisciplinary Studies major.
* Student must fulfill all prerequisites for selected courses.
* Each Interdisciplinary Studies Major program of study must be approved a minimum of 3 semesters prior to expected graduation date of involved student.
* Each Interdisciplinary Studies program of study must include a minimum number of upper level (300-400) courses equal to or greater than the course requirements required by any one of the component majors.
* Students must give Registrar a copy of proposed major course outline for senior audit record keeping.
The Interdisciplinary Major is designed to give students a chance to create a major that addresses the needs of the individual student. Students have a chance to tailor a set of learning objectives and develop courses around those objectives to meet their academic goals.
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Core Credits: 0.00