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Digital Filmmaking - 57 Credits - BFA

Delivery Method: Online

The Digital Filmmaking program at William Woods University is a hands-on, project focused, degree. Students will experience all areas of the filmmaking process throughout the pre-production, production, and post-production workflows. Upon completing the program students will have the skills necessary to enter the filmmaking workforce in a variety of content areas ranging from narrative and documentary filmmaking to advertising and small screen content.

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Core Credits: 57.00

Course # Course Title Hours
ENG 210 Introduction to Film Studies -L 3.00
ENG 215 Film Genres -L 3.00
ENG 316 Special Topics in Film 3.00
ENG 327 Film Theory and Criticism 3.00
FLM 105 Fundamentals of Filmmaking 3.00
FLM 220 Elements of Sound 3.00
FLM 221 Screenwriting I 3.00
FLM 227 Cinematography I 3.00
FLM 250 Editing I 3.00
FLM 320 Sound Design For Film 3.00
FLM 321 Screenwriting II 3.00
FLM 327 Cinematography II 3.00
FLM 330 Cinematic Lighting 3.00
FLM 331 Production Design 3.00
FLM 337 Directing Actors & Crew 3.00
FLM 350 Editing II 3.00
FLM 370 Special Topics in Filmmaking 3.00
FLM 450 Film Seminar I 3.00
FLM 490 Film Seminar II 3.00

Academic Catalog

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