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Major Details

Communications - 57 Credits (core of 36 credits, a selected concentration 12 credits, and general communications electives 9 credits) - BS

Delivery Method: Day/Fulton Campus

Communications major includes a core of 36 credits, a selected concentration (12 credits), and general communications electives (9 credits). The concentration areas are: Digital Filmmaking, Multimedia Journalism, Strategic Communication, or Sports Communication.

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Core Credits: 36.00

Course # Course Title Hours
COM 101 Intro To Speech Communication -C 3.00
COM 110 Writing for Multimedia 3.00
COM 150 Visual Communication & Design 3.00
COM 190 Media & Mass Communication 3.00
COM 221 Contemporary Media Ethics -E 3.00
COM 231 Commercial Video Production 3.00
COM 270 Persuasive Campaigns -T 3.00
COM 316 Small Group Leadership 3.00
COM 320 Communication Theory 3.00
COM 330 Freedom of Expression 3.00
COM 337 Web & Social Media Campaigns 3.00
COM 499 Senior Seminar 3.00

Academic Catalog

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