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Major Details

Business Administration - 63 Credits (Core - 48 Credits and Selected Concentration - 15 Credits) - BS

Delivery Method: Day/Fulton Campus, Online

The curriculum includes a core of courses and a selected concentration in one of the following areas: accounting and financial services, Advertising & Marketing, Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurial Management, Leadership, and Management. Qualified students are encouraged to pursue a business-related internship.

BUS 500, BUS 545, BUS 517 and BUS 552 may be taken and counted towards a student’s 122 required hours and then transferred into the MBA program upon graduation. Students who want to complete the MBA Plus Program should work with their advisor to plan to complete these courses during their final fall & spring undergraduate semesters. The remaining MBA courses will be completed during the fifth year of your MBA program.

*Course prerequisites include non-major required course (MAT112 or MAT118) All prerequisites must be met to take denoted course.

**Online students take BUS329

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Core Credits: 48.00

Course # Course Title Hours
ACC 240 Principles of Accounting I 3.00
ACC 241 Principles of Accounting II 3.00
BUS 206 Entrepreneurship 3.00
BUS 231 Risk Management and Insurance 3.00
BUS 321 Principles of Marketing 3.00
BUS 324 Personal Finance 3.00
BUS 332 Business Communications 3.00
BUS 335 Business Law 3.00
BUS 351 Principles of Management 3.00
BUS 415 Corporate Finance 3.00
BUS 450 Business Policy and Procedures 3.00
ECN 251 Macroeconomics -S 3.00
ECN 252 Microeconomics -S 3.00
MAT 114 Elementary Statistics -M 3.00
MIS 125 Productivity Tools 3.00

Required Electives

Elective Hours
Business Ethics Elective - 3 Credits 3.00

Academic Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.