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Course Details

EQS 416 - Veterinary Techniques Practicum

Students will explore a variety of veterinary techniques used to manage performance horses as well as routine health management in the classroom and lab setting. Emergency care and treatment will be addressed as well as aftercare. Concurrent enrollment in the Veterinary Techniques Lab is required. Prerequisite: (EQS306 and EQU391) or EQS376 Corequisite: EQS 417 Veterinary Techniques Practicum Lab

Credit Hours: 3.00

Course Fees: $0.00

Academic Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.