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Course Details

COM 301 - Sports Activism -D

The recent surge of athlete activism and subsequent media attention have allowed athletes to amplify their voices surrounding a variety of social issues. This increased attention has also ushered in various perspectives about the role and place of athlete activism in our culture. This class will explore the history of sports and athlete expression using current examples as a foundation—from the 1968 Olympics to kneeling during the national anthem—so students can learn about the experiences of those who participate in this form of communication. Students can expect to learn about the motivations people have for participating—and not participating—in sports activism. Students will learn how language is instrumental in the crafting of these messages while also studying the role the news and social media play in communicating about these diverse viewpoints. The class will also include topics relating to sport for development and peace and how sport is intentionally used to foster peace and change throughout the world.

Credit Hours: 3.00

Course Fees: $0.00

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