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Academic Policy Details


Satisfactory Academic Progress--Graduate

Title IV Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Graduate Students        

All students enrolled in the same educational program receiving or not receiving Title IV assistance must meet the same standards.  Students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress towards earning a degree as stipulated in the chart below to receive financial aid at William Woods University from all Federal, State and most institutional programs.

Minimum Cumulative GPA


Minimum % of total hours completed


Maximum total hours attempted allowed to complete degree requirements for current primary program of study

150% of the specified degree program's published length of completion


 Title IV SAP Evaluation


  1.        Title IV SAP is calculated after the spring semester/payment period. 


  2.        Quantitative (hours attempted and earned) and qualitative (cumulative GPA) SAP progress is measured by dividing the cumulative number of hours the student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours the student has attempted. Remedial courses are not included in the calculation.
  3.        Changes in major may alter your SAP status, which is based upon the current degree level pursued; therefore, if you change your major, you may be permitted to go beyond the published length of completion.  Otherwise, student will not be in good SAP standing if they have extended beyond 150% of the degree program’s published length.
  4.        Students meeting the standards listed above when calculated are in Title IV SAP good standing.  If either the quantitative or qualitative measures are not meet, the student is not in good SAP standing.
  5.        Rules are applied uniformly to all students for all periods of enrollment whether or not aid has been previously received.
  6.        Students are notified by email and/or letter from the Office of Student Financial Services if Title IV eligibility is not met after annual review. Title IV Eligibility may be reestablished if an appeal due to unusual and/or mitigating circumstances is approved.  
  7.        Students are held responsible for knowing SAP eligibility criteria and their status at the end of each academic year. Please contact the SFS Office if questions arise.





  1.        All courses taken at WWU are counted as hours attempted.  This includes courses which end as incompletes, failed, or withdrawn.  Repeat courses will show in attempted hours once.  Dropped courses and WNs will not be reflected in attempted hours.
  2.        Only courses successfully completed are recognized by the WWU Registrar’s Office as acceptable for progressing toward degree completion are counted as earned.  This means hours earning grades of A, B, C, P, CP, or (S) Satisfactory. 
  3.        Courses not successfully completed are considered hours attempted and not earned.  Unsuccessfully completion of credit hours means earning grades of F, W or US (Unsatifactory).
  4.        All courses designated as repeated for grade improvement count as hours attempted, but only count once if passed as hours earned.
  5.        Courses attempted repetitively for credit count as both hours attempted and passed as hours earned.
  6.        Audit and no-credit classes are ineligible for financial aid and do not count in Title IV SAP calculations.
  7.        The official institution GPA determined by WWU Registrar’s Office is used for all qualitative measures.


Additional Earned Credit


  1.        All credit hours applicable to the current degree pursuit attempted through study abroad programs, off-campus progress and through consortium agreements with other institutional count in both attempted and earned calculations.


Transfer Students


  1.        Transfer students with no grade history at WWU will enter on SAP Good Standing.
  2.        Transfer students with grade history at WWU will be evaluated upon re-admittance to include the transfer credits in their applicable SAP measurements.
  3.        Complete academic transcripts for work attempted at other institutions are expected to be submitted to the Office of Enrollment Services before the beginning of the first semester at WWU.
  4.        All accepted transfer hours will show as hours attempted and earned and will be included in the quantitative measure.  Transfer grades will not be included in the qualitative (GPA) measure.  Students may request these grades be reviewed if they fail to meet SAP minimums without them by submitting an appeal.
  5.        Students failing SAP will be placed on SAP Suspension and they are ineligible for financial aid during the period of suspension.  (See appeals)


Re-admit Students


  1.        Former WWU students who were not enrolled at WWU for the most recent semester but not attend another institution during their absence will re-enter at the Title IV SAP status earned at the end of their last WWU enrollment.


Appeals and Reinstatement


1.       SAP Suspension may be appealed if unusual and/or mitigating circumstances affected academic progress.  Such circumstances may include a severe illness or injury to the student or an immediate family member, the death of a student’s relative, student activation into military service or other circumstances as deemed appropriate for consideration by the SAP Appeals Committee.

2.       To appeal the student must submit an email and/or letter to the Student Financial Services Office by the due date indicated in the SAP notification.  This should explain in detail why they failed to meet the minimum academic standards, what unusual and/or mitigating circumstances caused the failure and how their situation has improved.

3.       The SAP Appeals committee decision result will be sent to the student by email and/or letter. 

4.       Appeal approvals will give the conditions and timeframe for maintaining aid eligibility.

5.       Students with approved appeals will be placed on SAP probation for the next enrollment period.  At the end of that enrollment period, the student’s SAP status will be reevaluated.  In order for the student to remain eligible for financial aid, the student must be meeting the SAP standards or successfully following the academic plan provided in the SAP probation letter.

6.       SAP Appeals committee decisions cannot be appealed to another source either inside WWU or externally.

Academic Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.