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Degree Program Detail

Education Specialist in Educational Leadership Ed.S. - 33 to 48.5 Credits

Delivery Method: Evening, Online

Effective school leadership, at the building and district level, requires an advanced and diverse skill set focused on leadership, collaboration, financial, facilities and human resource management, law, student achievement and educational equity. The William Woods University Education Specialist in Educational Leadership program is designed to develop these skills and prepare you for DESE certification expectations. NOTE: Three years of DESE approved principal experience is required to be granted a superintendent/district-level certificate; three years of teaching experiences is required to be granted a building-level/principal certificate; other DESE specific requirements also apply. Students seeking building-level principal certification through the EdS route must take 500-level coursework; other DESE certification requirements applicable.

Core Credits: 30.00

Course # Course Title Hours
EDU 600 Issues in School Superintendency 3.00
EDU 610 Utilizing Statistical Procedures in Educational Research & Evaluation 3.00
EDU 620 Effective School- Community Relation 3.00
EDU 640 Human Resources in Education 3.00
EDU 650 School District Finance 3.00
EDU 653 School Plant & Facilities Development/Safety & Security 3.00
EDU 673 Educational Reform and Urban Educational Issues 3.00
EDU 680 Advanced School Law and Policy Development 3.00
EDU 690 Differentiated & Supplemental Program 3.00
EDU 697 Superintendent Field Experience and Capstone 3.00

Graduate Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.