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Course Details

EDU 650 - School District Finance

This course is designed to provide school leaders with a broad understanding of school finance at the local, state, and national levels. The course will investigate various finance topics, detailing how they relate to local practice. Specific finance practices such as fund accounting, funds management, program management, taxes and tax rates, revenues and expenditures, and financial legal requirements will be examined. Budgeting and budget management including revenue and expenditure projections will be a primary focus. Additional topics will include operational management, food services, bus transportation, economic impacts, and influence of legislative mandates. Upon completion of this course, the student will understand the major finance concepts that influence responsible public school, as well as charter school, fiscal management.

Credit Hours: 3.00

Course Fees: $0.00

Graduate Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.