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ALE 710   Adult Learning: Theory and Practice

ALE 730   Adult Learning Methods

ALE 760   Developing Adult Learning Programs

ALE 770   Leadership for Adult Learning

ALE 775   Improvement of Adult Instruction and Training

ALE 780   Adults as Critical Thinkers

ALE 785   Adult Program Evaluation

ALE 790   Adult Learning and the Digital Age

ALE 795   Research in Adult Learning

ALE 798   Applied Doctoral Project

ALE 799   Applied Doctoral Project Continuation

BUS 500   Management and Leadership

BUS 517   Human Resources & Organizational Behavior

BUS 524   Economics For Managers

BUS 538   Accounting For Managers

BUS 539   Legal Environment of Business, Government and Society

BUS 542   Finance

BUS 545   Managerial Ethics

BUS 550   Introduction to Global Business

BUS 552   Business Strategies

BUS 560   Statistics and Research Methods

BUS 563   Management in Cross-Cultural Contexts

BUS 564   Data Analytics for Business

BUS 566   Financial Decisions

BUS 569   Marketing Decisions

BUS 573   International Business & Marketing

BUS 580   Management Systems

BUS 581   Business Planning and Design

BUS 585   Integrated Studies in Business Administration

BUS 590   Applied Case Project for Small Business

EDC 500   Current Issues in Reading and Writing

EDC 510   Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities

EDC 520   Evaluation of Abilities and Achievement

EDC 530   Theoretical Models in Literacy

EDC 540   Language Acquisition and Literacy

EDC 550   Literacy Across A Variety of Genres

EDC 560   Classroom Communities for the Enhancement of Student Learning

EDC 580   Counseling Techniques

EDC 590   Elementary Reading Practicum

EDC 591   Secondary Reading Practicum

EDU 500   Current Issues In Education

EDU 503   Sports Law

EDU 507   Org, Middle School Curri&Instr

EDU 508   Practical Aspects of Athletic/Activities Administration

EDU 509   Athletic Admin Field Experiences

EDU 510   Advanced Learning Theories

EDU 511   Educational Psychology

EDU 512   Modern Educational Thought

EDU 520   Research Design

EDU 521   Introduction to Interscholastic/Intercollegiate Athletics/Activities Administration

EDU 523   Supervision of the Athletics/Activities Program

EDU 524   Current Issues/Common Challenges in Athletics/Activities Administration

EDU 525   Foundations of Educational Administration

EDU 526   Athletics/Activities Administration: Developing Character & Citizenship

EDU 527   Athletics/Activities Program Promotion

EDU 528   Financing the Athletics/Activities Program

EDU 530   Improvement Of Instruction

EDU 537   Special Education Administration

EDU 538   Leadership and Management of Instructional Curriculum in Special Education Programs

EDU 540   Literacy Instruction

EDU 543   Teaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape

EDU 544   Digital Tools in the Athletic/Activities Environment

EDU 550   Curriculum Construction

EDU 555   Interpersonal Relations

EDU 557   School Leader Field Experience

EDU 558   Digital Tools for Academic Programs

EDU 559   Current Issues in Teaching and Learning

EDU 561   Instructional Design With Technology

EDU 563   Applied Instructional Theories and Strategies Using Technology

EDU 564   STEM - An Introduction

EDU 565   STEM: Engineering Design

EDU 566   STEM: Technology and Coding

EDU 567   STEM: Citizen Science Project Based

EDU 568   Action Research

EDU 569   Visionary Leadership

EDU 570   Supervision

EDU 571   Integration of Multimedia Production and Curriculum

EDU 572   Managerial Leadership

EDU 573   Instructional Leadership

EDU 575   Principles Of Secondary Education

EDU 577   Supplemental Field Experience

EDU 580   Educational Technology

EDU 581   Integrating Technology into the Curriculum

EDU 583   Performance Assessment for Aspiring Building Level Administrators

EDU 585   School Law

EDU 586   Action Research Capstone

EDU 588   Writing Workshop (Special Topics)

EDU 589   Teaching and Technology Capstone Project

EDU 590   Appraisal Of Student Learning

EDU 591   Field Experience Special Education

EDU 593   Subject Material Tch Methodologies

EDU 594   Internship

EDU 595   Thesis

EDU 597   School Leadership- Building Level Capstone

EDU 600   Issues in School Superintendency

EDU 601   Superintendency Practicum

EDU 602   Administrative Mentoring Practicum

EDU 603   Curriculum Auditing & Mapping

EDU 605   Issues in Curriculum Leadership

EDU 610   Utilizing Statistical Procedures in Educational Research & Evaluation

EDU 620   Effective School- Community Relation

EDU 625   Modern Educational Thought

EDU 630   Development & Implementation of Educational Policy

EDU 635   Curriculum Leadership

EDU 640   Human Resources in Education

EDU 645   Application of Learning Frameworks

EDU 650   School District Finance

EDU 653   School Plant & Facilities Development/Safety & Security

EDU 655   Instruction and Assessment Design

EDU 657   Field Experience

EDU 673   Educational Reform and Urban Educational Issues

EDU 674   Urban Issues in Curriculum and Instruction

EDU 680   Advanced School Law and Policy Development

EDU 681   Advanced School Law for Teachers

EDU 685   Curriculum and Program Evaluation

EDU 690   Differentiated & Supplemental Program

EDU 691   Supplemental Programs Supporting Instruction

EDU 696   Curriculum Leadership Practicum

EDU 697   Superintendent Field Experience and Capstone

EDU 699   Independent Field Experience

EDU 710   Aspects of Leadership

EDU 730   Effective Educational Systems

EDU 740   Exploration of Qualitative Research

EDU 750   Organizational Learning & System Change

EDU 760   Program Evaluation & Strategic Plan

EDU 780   Dissertation Proposal Seminar

EDU 781   Dissertation Seminar

EDU 790   Research Seminar

EDU 791   Research Seminar

EDU 792   On-site Dissertation Workshop 1

EDU 793   On-site Dissertation Workshop 2

EDU 799   Research Seminar

EQE 530   Equestrian Academic Instruction

EQE 546   Applied Instructional Theories

EQE 550   Equestrian Curriculum Development

EQE 562   Equestrian Educational Events & Competitions Management

EQE 574   Management of Facility & Resources

EQE 576   Development of Instructional Resources

EQE 582   Current Issues in Equestrian Education

EQE 587   Equestrian Education Capstone Project

FLD 501   Field Experience I

FLD 502   Field Experience II

FLD 503   Field Experience III

HLT 505   Healthcare Administration

HLT 510   Population Health Management and Global Health

HLT 519   Policy, Legal, and Ethics Aspects of Healthcare

HLT 527   Human Resources in Healthcare and Organizational Development

HLT 555   Healthcare Systems Financial Managment

HLT 570   HC Marketing and Consumer Engagemnt

HLT 571   Healthcare Operations Management

HLT 575   Healthcare Information Management Systems

HLT 583   Healthcare Administration Leadership and Change Management

HLT 590   Healthcare Quality Management

HLT 595   Healthcare Strategic Planning

HLT 598   Integrated Studies in Health Administration

ORL 505   Fundamentals of Organizational Leadership

ORL 520   21st Century Organizations

ORL 525   Human Behavior and Learning

ORL 530   Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

ORL 540   Organizational Communication

ORL 546   Global Systems and Issues

ORL 547   Strategic Planning and Decision Making

ORL 548   Organizational Development Theory and Application

ORL 549   Organizational Change and Transformation

ORL 556   Leading Teams

ORL 557   Organizations - Operations and Design

ORL 558   Developing Human Capital

ORL 559   Strategic Foresight

ORL 566   Negotiation and Conflict Management

ORL 567   Business Environment

ORL 568   Leadership Coaching

ORL 569   Innovation and Creative Thinking

ORL 570   Leadership Development

ORL 576   Cross Cultural Communication

ORL 577   Strategy Development and Implementation

ORL 578   Training and Development Programs

ORL 579   Globalization and Business

ORL 580   Research for Decision Making

ORL 590   Organizational Leadership Capstone

PSY 510   Advanced Developmental Psychology

PSY 520   Biological Bases of Behavior

PSY 525   Advanced Cognition

PSY 530   Advanced Psychopathology

PSY 535   Contemporary and Ethical Issues

PSY 550   Psychological Testing and Assessment

PSY 570   Diversity and Multicultural Issues

PSY 580   Advanced Statistics

PSY 590   Thesis I

PSY 591   Thesis II

RSH 720   Quantitative Analysis II

RSH 740   Exploration of Qualitative Research

RSH 780   Dissertation Proposal Seminar

Graduate Catalog

This is the UNOFFICIAL Academic Catalog. This site is dynamic, subject to change and therefore may not always represent the offerings and curriculum of the latest or current academic year.

To view the official catalog for a specific academic year, please see the Official Catalogs link.

For questions regarding the curriculum for a specific academic year please contact your Academic Advisor.