Minor in Physics
Expand your universe.
Take your thinking far beyond the confines of ideas and theories you’ve thus far known. In fact, take it even beyond this world we live in — from the forces that keep us grounded to the stars that seemingly shoot across the sky.
The minor in physics at William Woods University will prepare you with invaluable critical thinking skills and success in an incredibly diverse range of fields.
It can strengthen your analytical and scientific skills to help you meet the demands of an increasingly technical society. Whether applying for graduate programs in science, developing a technical career or broadening your education, the physics minor provides a rewarding and challenging program of study that opens doors and gives you a greater understanding of the physical world.
The minor in physics at William Woods University includes 11 required course credits and 7 elective course credits.
Courses you may take
MAT 124 - Calculus I -M - 5.00
An introduction to the concepts of limits, continuity, differentiation of elementary functions, definite and indefinite integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem. Emphasis on use graphing calculators and the utility of mathematics as a problem solving tool. Extensive discussion of applications in natural science, social science, and business. Prerequisite: MAT 118 or MAT 120
PHY 201 - Physics I -N - 4.00
An introductory physics course covering the topics of mechanics, thermodynamics, vibrations, and wave motion with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving. Computing software is used to provide interactive instruction and develop connections to the mathematical principals involved. Regular in-class demonstrations are performed and discussed in order to enhance conceptual understanding. Concurrent enrollment in PHY 202 required. (Lab Fee)
PHY 202 or PHY 203 - Physics I Lab or Physics I Lab for transfer students - 0.00 or 1.00
The laboratory component of Physics I which reinforces and expands on concepts taught in the lecture. While conducting experiments, students will make observations about physical systems and collect numerical data. Emphasis is placed on identifying patterns and relationships in physical parameters. Students develop hypotheses in order to make predictions and verify presumptions. Formal lab reports are used to summarize relevant findings. Corequisite: PHY 201 or Includes laboratory exercises selected to reinforce and augment the physics lecture course that students earned credit for at a previous institution. Available only to students with posted transfer credit for PHY201 at time of enrollment.
PHY 212 - Physics II -N - 4.00
A continuation of the introductory physics sequence which covers topics in electrostatics, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Fundamental concepts from Physics I are described in greater complexity. Students are expected to apply their understanding of energy, mass, force, and inertia to more advanced problems involving atomic systems. Demonstrations and computational simulations are used to increase conceptual understanding. Concurrent enrollment in PHY 213. (Lab Fee) Prerequisite: PHY 201.
PHY 213 - Physics II Lab - 0.00
The laboratory component of Physics II which reinforces and expands on concepts taught in the lecture. Group experiments are conducted in order to analyze the behavior of physical systems. Emphasis is placed on interpretation and inference as students are expected to use knowledge from the previous course to explain physical phenomena. Computational interface equipment and graphing software are used extensively. Students design and construct their own experiment on two occasions. Corequisite: PHY 212
PHY 315 - Modern Physics - 3.00
An upper-division physics course exploring selected topics in contemporary physics, including: quantum physics, atoms, molecules, condensed matter, nuclei, relativity, and elementary particles. Prerequisite: PHY212 and PHY213