Minor in Chemistry
Step into your element.
Gain a fundamental understanding of chemical concepts relating to all branches of the sciences. Grow your chemistry knowledge and skills to further your career goals, whatever they may look like. Develop your skills in the lab. Understand and utilize the scientific method of inquiry. Draw logical conclusions based on empirical evidence.
Gain all of these things and more from the minor in chemistry at William Woods University — intended to enhance your scientific background.
You will have the opportunity to take advantage of mentor-mentee independent study projects, with one-on-one interaction with professors. Pursue coursework in general, organic and biochemistry, and develop research projects in the areas of chemistry that interest you most.
The chemistry minor will help you prepare for veterinary or medical school, as well as a master’s degree or PhD program in x-ray technology, biochemistry, forensics, nursing, environmental science and more.
William Woods alumni can be found now using their chemistry minor in companies and organizations like the University of Missouri, ABC Labs, Syntax, Con Agra, and Tyson.
The minor in chemistry at William Woods University includes 12 required course credits and 6 required elective course credits.
Courses you may take
CHM 114 - General Chemistry I -N - 4.00
A study of the fundamental principles and theories of chemistry with emphasis on stoichiometry and atomic theory and bonding. Must be taken concurrently with CHM115. Prerequisite -MAT099 or Math ACT/SAT of 22/520 or higher
CHM 115 or CHM 116 - General Chemistry I Lab or General Chemistry I Lab transfer st - 0.00 or 1.00
Concurrent enrollment in CHM 114 required. Meets three hours per week. (Lab fee) or Includes laboratory exercises selected to reinforce and augment the chemistry lecture course that students earned credit for at a previous institution. Available only to students with posted transfer credit for CHM114 at time of enrollment. (lab fee)
CHM 124 - General Chemistry II -N - 4.00
A continuation of CHM 114 with emphasis on equilibrium, electrochemistry, kinetics, and thermodynamics. Prerequisites:CHM 114 and CHM 115
CHM 125 - General Chemistry II Lab - 0.00
A laboratory study of principles of equilibrium and inorganic reactions directed toward the qualitative analysis of inorganic materials. Concurrent enrollment in CHM 124 required. (Lab fee) Prerequisites: CHM 114 and CHM 115
CHM 314 - Organic Chemistry I - 4.00
A systematic study of the compounds of carbon with emphasis on the principles of synthesis, analysis, and reaction mechanisms of organic functional groups. Prerequisites: CHM 124 and CHM 125
CHM 315 or CHM 316 - Organic Chemistry I Lab or Organic Chemistry I Lab for Transfer Students - 0.00 or 1.00
A study of the techniques of synthesis and analysis of organic compounds. Concurrent enrollment in CHM 314 required. (Lab fee) or Students conduct laboratory exercises selected to reinforce and augment the chemistry lecture course that students earned credit for at a previous institution. Experiments illustrate fundamental organic chemistry lab techniques and demonstrate phenomena and theory described in lecture. Available only to students with posted transfer credit for CHM 314 at time of enrollment. (Lab fee)