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Minor in Music

Don’t miss a beat.

Music may be a personal passion you would like to advance, a key component to your career goals, or perhaps it’s simply something you wish you knew more about. Regardless, the minor in music can enhance any major.

The William Woods University music minor covers history, aesthetics and performance of music. Coursework includes piano, voice, music fundamentals, and the exploration of jazz, pop and rock.

Students may expand their work in great opportunities like the Jameson singers vocal ensemble, our student-led, faculty-sponsored pep band, or sing it out on stage in our annual musical. Faculty have experience with a variety of musical instruments and can offer continued lessons in some of those instruments as well as voice and piano.


The Minor in Music at William Woods University includes 12 required course credits and 6 applied music and music elective credits.

Courses you may take

MUS 101 - Music Fundamentals -A - 3.00

The introduction of fundamentals in music reading, including treble and bass clef, signatures, scales, time signatures, and rhythm in conjunction with interval singing and aural identification.

MUS 103 - Music Appreciation -A - 3.00

An introduction to the elements of music and the use of these elements in various musical styles including masterpieces of Western music, popular and folk music, as well as music of other cultures.

MUS 111 - Jazz, Pop and Rock -A - 3.00

An examination of the various "popular" music genres. This course aims to develop listening ability and comprehension while tracing the development of these styles in the 20th century.


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