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Mentor-Mentee Project History


Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Prof. Melissa Alpers-Springer Kara Jeffers Weekly Aggregate News Bulletin
Dr. Hannah Bolados Caitlin Cook; Grace McFarland Español ecuestre: Spanish Language Resources for the Equine Industry
Dr. Caroline Boyer; Dr. Timothy Hanrahan Haley Shepard The Effect of Preschoolers’ Mindfulness on Their Cognitive and Perceptual Development
Dr. Robin Hirsch-Jacobson Rebecca Engle New On-Campus Pollinator Garden
Dr. Rachel Turney Hannah Cronin Bridging Differences--The Woods Mirror


Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Professor Terry Martin Rosemary Lentz and Makala Cahill Varied Art Media Match to Perception of Natural Diversity.
Professor Jennie Petterson Anna Johnson Introductory Guide to Competitive Horse Judging.
Dr. Elizabeth Wilson and Dr. Lisa Sitler Ari Arnold Exploring the Impact of Pet Therapy and Health Awareness on Student Stress and Anxiety.


Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Dr. Anthony Cavaiani Maggie Olivia Community Inclusion: Analyzing Democratic Participation and Citizenship in Sports Outreach Programs.
Dr. Timothy Hanrahan Ashlynn Girard Topic and Participants: Effective Questioning and Deeper Level Thinking in Physical Education, Education, and Human Performance Departments.
Prof. Terry Martin Bennett Zink Exploring the Gasconade: Studio Art and the Naturalist Experience.
Dr. Craig Bruce Smith Paige Bichsel The Greatest Man in the World: A Global Perspective on George Washington.
Dr. Elizabeth Wilson Hannah Bland Exploratory Study Examining the Effects of Social Media Use on College Students.


Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Dr. Caroline Boyer Stephanie Clawson; Daryl Parungao What Are We Teaching Our Children? The Effects of Parenting Styles.
Prof. Terry Martin Jennifer Martin Environmental Stewardship.
Dr. Stephanie Wells Rachel Skelton Works In Feminist Fiction.
Dr. Elizabeth Wilson, Honorable Faculty Assistance Mention: Prof. George Garner Jennifer Kurth Making a Difference Every Day: Snapshots of Social Work in Mid-Missouri.

2015 - 2016

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Melissa Alpers-Springer, Communication Melissa D. Williams Curriculum Development to Accompany Children’s Theatre Productions
Dr. Caroline Boyer Ferhat, Psychology Shelby Hammel What Are We Teaching our Children?: Preschool Disciplinary Techniques
Dr. Matt Dube, English Jennifer Iffrig Travel to Fantastic Lands: A Morphology of Inter-Dimensional Travel as Represented in Contemporary Manga, English, and Visual Arts
Dr. Stephanie Wells, English Kristen Bauer and Isabella Long Rape as Romance: Depictions of Sexual Infringement in Young Adult Literature
Dr. Elizabeth Wilson, Social Work Ryan Stocker Reducing Student Stress: Research and Implementation of Healthy Stress Relief Activities to Increase Mental and Physical Well-Being
Cox Research Scholar
Dr. Nicholas A. PullenD
Joan M. Ryan Comparative efficacy of equine bone marrow derived stem cell culture protocols

2014 - 2015

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Caroline Boyer-Ferhat Halie Brooks The Relationship Between Anxiety Levels And College Life
Elizabeth Wilson Katherine Johnson Understanding Rape Culture Among Freshman College Students: A Follow-Up Study Describing ‘Definition of Consent.
Jane Mudd Sara McCahon Modern Narratives In The Old Painting Tradition: A Further Investigation Into Techniques Of The Old Masters
Jean Kraus Megan Shahinian The Further Development of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Modules To Augment Equestrian Studies Instruction
Karen Pautz Ciera Cordero Equestrian iBook

2013 - 2014

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Caroline Boyer-Ferhat Sarah McCahon The Relationship Between Personality Types and Perceptions of Homosexuality
Jean Kraus Joan Ryan An Exploration or Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and how it could be Utilized to Augment Equestrian Studies Instruction
Terry Martin Meghan Graber Color Drawing Studio Techniques
Joe Potter Kassaundra Dadidson Audience Development - Understanding, Attracting, and Cultivating the 21 st Century Theatre Audience
Betsy Tutt Leigh Rice Writing for an Education Journal
Laura H. Ward Victoria Berlin Visual Study of the Skeletal Anatomy of the American Saddlebred, Morgan, and other Animated Breeds
Elizabeth Wilson Katherine Johnson Understanding Rape Culture among High School Students: Exploratory Study Describing Teen's Definition of Consent

2012 - 2013

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Linda McClaren Jacque Franco and Julia Needhammer Developing an Equine Personality and Job Description Matrix
Joe Kyger Lincoln Purvis Capturing the Cosmos: a Photographic Voyage
Elizabeth Wilson Bethany Osborn Veterans as a Population At-Risk: Assessing BSW Curriculum Specific to Veteran's Needs
Caroline Boyer-Ferhat Jenny Morris and Alicia DeLaney The Relationship Between Body Type and Body Language
Terry Martin Erica Begley Out of the Mouth of the First Fish

2011 - 2012

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Caroline Boyer-Ferhat Elizabeth Cato Exploring the Relationship Between Preschool Children's Perceived Cognitive Performance Ratings and their Performance on Measures of Mathematics
Robin Hirsch-Jacobson Allyson Hawkins Creating a Species Account for the Puerto Rican Screech-Owl, Adding Another Completed Species to the List
Elizabeth Wilson Bethany Osborn Examining what Knowledge, Skills, Tools, and Resources are Needed to Effectively Serve the Growing Number of Military Families in the State of Missouri
Jason Knowles Lincoln Purvis Alternative Pedagogies for Cinema Education: Applying Ecological Film Theories to an Advanced Green-Screen Motion Picture
Linda McClaren Stephanie Fisher Developing an Equine Personality and Job Description Matrix
Jean Kraus Madeline Emme Developing Problem-Based Learning Programs for Studying Equine First Aid

2010 - 2011

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Terry Martin Jessica Bargate Exploration of Printmaking Techniques and Art Exhibition
Linda McClaren Melissa Smith Development of an Equine Personality and Job Description Matrix
Greg Smith Chris Norton Special Visual Effects and the Development of Film Aesthetics, Technology, and Style
Marilyn VanLeeuwen Stephanie Fisher Dimensions of Psychology and Creativity
Elizabeth Wilson Emily Kline Assessing Social Work Practice Needs for Effectively Serving Military Families

2009 - 2010

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Linda McClaren Alison Gray The Things Horses Tell Us: Development of an Equine Personality and Job Description Matrix
Greg Smith Aaron Griffin Lighting Out in the Dark: Manifestations of the Huck Finn Archetype in American Cinema
Laura Ward Kaitlyn Alemain Complete Saddle Seat Showing Guide for William Woods University

2008 - 2009

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Joseph Kyger Kathryn Golden Utilizing High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) with Stable Isotope Analysis to Measure Calcium Absorption in Premature Infants
Linda McClaren Patricia Clark The Things Horses Tell Us: Preparing Hunters and Jumpers for Competition
Greg Smith Jonna Dick Working Girls on Film: The Career Woman Archetype in American Cinema

2007 - 2008

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Joseph Kyger Kathryn Golden Utilizing High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry with Stable Isotope Analysis to Measure Calcium Absorption in Premature Infants
Terry Martin Jennifer Costello Alex Orear Healing Arts in the Community
Linda McClaren Jessica Billham Retraining the Problem Horse
Jane Mudd Adam Dresden Investigation into the Glazing Techniques of Five Master Painters
Gary Mullen Kate Woodard Implementation of First Special Olympics Equestrian Event for the State of Missouri
Karen Pautz Patricia Clark Development of Horse Show Association Record-Keeping Software
Greg Smith Nicholas Jenkins Richard Nixon Is Rosemary's Baby: Subversive Gothic Tropes In Vietnam-Era American Horror Films
Mary Spratt Ashley Miller Annotating Prokaryotic Genomes: Participation in a Multi-Institution Collaboration
Marilyn VanLeeuwen Jessie Brown Dimensions of Optimism
Stephanie Wells Tara Boehl In Its Infancy: The Rhetoric of Adoption
Linda McClaren Jojo Levy Starting the four year old warm-blood sport horse over fences
Terry Martin Jennifer Costello Alex Orear Healing Art Workshops and Exhibits
Jane Mudd Meagan Cooper Fulton Public Mural Project
Mary Spratt Jackie Althauser Species Variation within the Ehrlichia Bacteria
Marilyn VanLeeuwen Laura Barbarick Assessment of Personality: Personality, Eating Disorders, and Stress
Marilyn VanLeeuwen Dawson Powell Assessment of Personality Traits: Optimism-Pessimism
Laura Ward Lauren McMichael History of the Horse Program at WWU
Harriet Yelon Josh Stephenson Value of Social Services to the Corporate Bottom Line

2006 - 2007

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Linda McClaren Jojo Levy Starting the Four-Year-Old Warm-Blood Sport Horse over Fences
Terry Martin Jennifer Costello and Alex Orear Healing Art Workshops and Exhibits
Jane Mudd Meagan Cooper Fulton Public Mural Project
Marilyn VanLeeuwen Laura Barbarick Assessment of Personality: Personality, Eating Disorders, and Stress
Marilyn VanLeeuwen Dawson Powell Assessment of Personality Traits: Optimism-Pessimism
Laura Ward Lauren McMichael History of the Horse Program at WWU
Hariet Yelon Josh Stephenson Value of Social Services to the Corporate Bottom Line

2005 - 2006

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Marylin VanLeeuwen Laura Barbarick Personality and Connections to Moods and Emotions
Mary Spratt Amanda Candee Coinfection of Ticks from Pulaski County with non-Ehrlichial Bacteria
Brett Rogers John Ford II Experiences of African Americans in the U.S. Navy
Linda McClaren Janelle Kessler Training a Young Green Horse to Use Software
Jane Mudd Hunter Nesbitt Late Modernism / Post Modernism
Jane Mudd Anne Stinson Analysis of Paul Cezanne Produce Paintings
Terry Martin Sarah Williams Varied Art Media to Express the Natural World

2004 - 2005

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Jane Mudd Cara Evans Interaction and Perception of Color in Various Media and Technique
Linda McClaren Betsy Irvin Comparative Training Techniques in Show Jumpers Development
Terry Martin Holly Dirnberger Communicating the Majesty of the Natural World
Brett Rogers John Ford II African-Americans in WWII: An Oral History
Mary Spratt Amanda Candee Developing a Real-Time PCR Assay for Ehrlichia bacteria
Marilyn Van Leeuwen Amber Kadera Understanding Addiction: Personality v. Environment
Marilyn Van Leeuwen Allison Hedges Art Therapy in Relation to Self-Image and Beauty
Mary Spratt Jillian Lee Identifying Ehrlichia bacteria carriers in Missouri
Terry Martin Sarah Williams Communicating the Majesty of the Natural World

2003 - 2004

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
G. Kremer Banks, Barbie Dr. Thompkins of Kansas City
J. Mudd Colbert, Megan The Nude in Art: Assessment & Analysis
M. Spratt Hilpipre, Virginia Ehrlichia bacteria in Missouri Tick Populations
S. Webb Holiman, Riki Molecular Systematics & Taxonomy of Characodon
L. Kramer Nelson, Gretchen Indigenous Missouri: Sacred Sites and Special Places
M. VanLeeuwen Kadera, Amber The Role of Personality in Information Processing
L. McClaren Thompson, Megan Equestrian Website
S. Riddick Van Gundy, Emily American Women Authors
T. Martin Williams, Sarah Varied Art Media to Express the Natural World

2002 - 2003

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Terry Martin Megan Colbert Analysis of Media and Perception - An Art Exhibit
Shane Webb Kathleen "Kat" Gettinger Intraspecific Phylogency of Goodea atripinnis from the High Plateau and Central Mexico
Gary Kremer Nicholas Coleman The Life and Achievement of an African-American Physician Named William J. Tompkins
Robert Sappington Jacob Itegboje The Linux Server Environment
Mary VanLeeuwen Donna Delia Attachment, Copying, and Emotional Intelligence

2001 - 2002

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
Shane Webb Adam Alter A Genealogical Study of Populations of Goodea atripinnis of the High Plateau of Mexico
Terry Martin Megan Colbert Creation of a Multimedia Work Consistent with International Society for Experimental Artist Standards
Robert Sappington Jake Itegboje Design, Implementation, and Operation of a Functioning Unix Network
Gary Kremer Nicholas Coleman Collection and Analysis of Historical Information Pertaining to Dr. William J. Tompkins
Vrunda Prabhu Leslie Bendrick A Study of the Relationships between the Definite Integral, Two Archimedean proofs, and a New Representation using Zeno's Paradoxes
Marylin VanLeeuwen Donna Delia Relationship Between Attachment Style and Cognitive Ability

1994 - 2001

Faculty Mentor Student Mentee Project Title
M. Van Leeuwen Ivana Popovic The Role of Personality and Stress on Health and Well-Being
G. Kremer Gloria Reagan African-American Life in the Missouri Ozarks: The Village of Eldridge, 1880-1950
G. Kremer Evan Orr The Lake Placid Story: A Study of African American Community Life
T. Martin Katherine Mitten Family and Friends, Dreamed and Remembered
V. Prabhu Marcus Stucke Extending Scope of ISTL (Interactive Set Language) to Include Linear Algebra Applications
M. Van Leeuwen Leah Beth Williamson The Role of Personality and Stress on Health and Well-Being
M. Spratt Rachael Palow A Study of the Causative Agents of Tularemia and the Ehrlichial Diseases in Infected Ticks from Selected Missouri Counties as Identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction
M. Spratt Katie Miles An Examination of Selected Species of Ticks in Callaway County and Adjacent Counties for Francisella tularensis as Identified by DNA Amplification
M. Van Leeuwen Michele Stephens Attachment Styles and Communication via an Electronic Format
G. Lampe Lisa Ferguson Developing a Manual of Saddle Seat Equitation Workouts
Terry Martin Phyllis Shaw Illustration and Production of a Digital Manuscript Describing the Growth on an Artist Teacher
Vrunda Prabhu Whitney Mitchell Julia Sets and Applications
Gayle Lampe Danielle Dodge Workbook for Riding For Success
Marilyn Van Leeuwen Lindsay Bowman An Investigation into the Role of Personality Variables in Interpersonal Relationships: An Attachment Perspective
Terry Martin Crystal Bowden Exhibition Related to Concerns for the Environment
Gary Kremer Amber Hoglin African-American Community Life in Arrow Rock, Missouri 1879-1940
Mary Spratt Tammy Lucas A Pilot Study of TicksIn Callaway County, Missouri, as potential vectors of Francisella tularensis, the causative Agent of Tularemia, as found by PCR
Gayle Lampe Jodie Richardson Research & Writing Activities Related to a book to be entitled, Riding for Success
Gary Kremer Jennifer Kane African-American Community Life in Gary Kremer in the Ozarks, 1879-1940
Paul Clervi Sarah Miley A Study of Women Sculptors of the Twentieth Century
Gary Kremer Cindy Mackey Yates
Gary Kremer Cindy Mackey Women in the Labor Force in Industrializing Missouri