Can STEM Save the World?
The article's title asks, “Can Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) save the world?” The answer is not straightforward. The challenges to saving the world are too complex, and some extend beyond STEM disciplines to include other fields (e.g., economics, politics, and cultures). Opportunities for immediate progress become more apparent when considering the question, 'Should STEM contribute to an understanding of global challenges?' The answer is undoubtedly “yes.” This theory-to-practice paper explores foundations for quality STEM education in problem-solving by considering a global issue.
Recommended Citation
Brown, P.L., & Bybee, R.W. (2024). Can STEM save the world? Midwest Journal of Education Midwest Journal of Education, 1(2).
Corresponding Author
Patrick Brown, Ph.D., Executive Director of STEAM and CTE, Fort Zumwalt School District 28 Walnut Knoll Ct. Saint Charles MO, 63304