From Theory to Practice: Applying the Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency to Strategic Planning
Abstract This theoretical paper explores the application of the Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency to the strategic planning process as well as the implementation and evaluation of the plan. This application ensures the cultures of the individual school community members are factored in to improve current policies, practices, and behaviors. Student outcomes often reflect the degree to which Cultural Proficiency is operationalized. School districts can bridge the gap between reality and vision by fostering a culture of collaboration, continuous reflection, and culturally competent practices. The strategic planning process can be enhanced by planning for and implementing actions aligned to the five Essential Elements of Cultural Proficiency: assessing culture, valuing diversity, managing the dynamics of difference, adapting to diversity, and institutionalizing cultural knowledge. Coherence, guided by transformative leadership principles and informed by data-driven decision-making, empowers educators to close the achievement gap and ensure all students reach their full potential.
Recommended Citation
Welborn, J.E. (2024). From theory to practice: Applying the essential elements of cultural proficiency to strategic planning. Midwest Journal of Education, 1(1).
Corresponding Author
Jaime E. Welborn, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Education Leadership, Saint Louis University, 3500 Lindell Blvd. Room 111 Saint Louis, Missouri 63105